Friday 20 May 2011

Week 8- Modernism, Industrialisation and Architecture

The Guggenhiem Museum
The design of the building is phenomenal and surpasses any modern museum construction of the 20th century. Created by American artist Frank O Gehry in 1997, the buildings revolutionary construction provides much more than any standard Museum. The construction geometry consists of sinous forms and curving architecture with orthogonal shapes that make up the interior. To gain interest the museum was made out of various materials that sited a new way of building, the interior consists of clad in glass, titanium and lime stone. For the exterior, a very furnished titanium plates have been spread over the building. As for the scale, the body of the building would be considered standard but abstracted. The form of the building is very different to anything society had seen before and is considered an aesthethic revolution for the containment of art. There is a known flaw in the design of thebuilding and it has been critized greatly over years, that being the condition of interior. The staircase spirals in a circular form upwards which has been called an inconvience for viewing art, as it has to be seen on a angle. However, people seem to still enjoy the building and the art it presents.

Frank O Gehry; born February 28, 1929 is considered to be the most important Architect of our age, his style is classed as destructivism, a reaction to Modern  structures that are not constructed like a standard building. Deconstructivist structures are not required to reflect specific social or universa ideas, such as speed or universality of form, and they don't seem to reflect a belief that form follows construction.

Guggenheim Museum


The Eiffel Tower (1889-2011)
The construction of the Eiffel tower is of an exceptional standard. It has become one of the most recognised constructions in history and is the current and modern icon of Paris. It is an enormous tower that is situated in the Champ De Mars it reaches the height of 324 metres-which is equivilant to a 81 story building. It is constructed out of pudded iron and is noted the tallest building in Paris, and  is also apparent to be the most visited paid-monument in the world. The Eiffel tower was designed by Engineer Gustave Eiffil 41 years ago, and to this day he is and always will be recognised as a very important man that had played a crucial role in history.

Eiffel Tower At Night

Originally the Eiffel tower had been contructed to impress the visitors for the 1889 year world exhibition.
This was a new approach to impress! and evidentionally a very expensive and also resourceful decision. Changes to the eiffel tower occurred in 1959.  The tower obtained an additional antenna, extending the height by 15 metres, and this is used for satelite and radio. Another interesting renovation is that once every 7 years it has a new coat of paint done. For the Guggenhiem a dramatic change occured when I t was moved

To compare the construction of the eiffel tower to the biblio Guggenhiem museum I could start off by saying the costructions are two completely different forms. The very abstracted figure of the Guggenhiem contrasts dramatically to the Eiffel towers prismic body. But in terms of construction, there are vaguely similar geometrical shapes.   An obvious and positive similarity between the two constructions would be that they pose an interest in Tourism. Both obtain a unique style that has attracted thousands of people from all round the world. Furthermore to address the purpose of the creation of each building, a main point would be to say that they were built to gain tourism, interest/appreciation in art, and on a global scale characterise be enable paris and New York to be recognised as countries that appreciate art in a new way. The aesthetics of each buildings are really where the disimularities and simularities lie. The materials for instance; are used for different purposes. The Titanium plates used in the Guggenhiem  for instance provided more of a visual appeal than the material used for the Eiffel tower. I consider the Eiffel tower to contain it's own style and it certainly doesn't need to have a special substance tthat would inhance it's appearance (besides the paint of course) but to note the construction.- the eiffel tower required a heavier and more versitile material to hold it's enormity. But for the guggenheim both strength and a cutting edge type of material was needed.




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